Arnold D. Langmaid, Danville’s oldest man number two

On Wednes­day, March 27, 2013, the Soci­ety award­ed the sec­ond old­est man liv­ing in Danville award to Arnold D. Lang­maid of North Danville. He is our num­ber two old­est, because we had missed him in our ear­li­er search for Danville’s old­est man. The first is Gor­don Bess of Danville.

Arnold was born on July 5, 1919, mak­ing him 93 years old, turn­ing 94 this sum­mer. Hope­ful­ly, we will have more infor­ma­tion about his life next month. We pre­sent­ed the award at the St. Johns­bury Health and Rehab cen­ter where Arnold and his wife Shirley are present­ly liv­ing. They have been mar­ried for near­ly 71 years! (That may be some sort of record in itself!)

Con­grat­u­la­tions to both of our old­est men–Gordon Bess and Arnold Langmaid.

The oldest man award was presented at the weekly singalong held at the St. Johnsbury Rehab. Winona Gadapee is at the piano and Arnold and Shirley enjoy front and center.
The old­est man award was pre­sent­ed at the week­ly sin­ga­long held at the St. Johns­bury Rehab. Winona Gadapee is at the piano and Arnold and Shirley enjoy front and center.