Public invitation from Danville Masons Sunday, April 7

Danville’s Masonic Hall receives historic preservation grant

1-20121025_155933Wash­burn Mason­ic Lodge#92, locat­ed on beau­ti­ful Danville Green for the past 119 years, is pleased to announce a his­tor­i­cal Preser­va­tion Grant made pos­si­ble by a part­ner­ship between the Free­man Foun­da­tion and the Preser­va­tion Trust of Ver­mont. This grant of $30,000 will be used for a new stand­ing seam met­al roof and mason­ry repairs to the exte­ri­or of the build­ing. A sec­ond grant of $1000 from the Pleas­ants Fund of Greens­boro will be used for labor in paint­ing exte­ri­or wood­work. The paint for this project will be donat­ed by Larrabee’s Build­ing Supply.

On April 7, from 10:00 to 2:00, Wash­burn Lodge #92 extends a pub­lic invi­ta­tion to all cit­i­zens to see the work that has been done on the build­ing, includ­ing details about what is to come. Ear­ly vis­i­tors will enjoy cof­fee and dough­nuts; a light lunch will be served around noon. There will be guid­ed tours, led by the broth­ers, who will take vis­i­tors through the build­ing and answer questions.

