Annual Meeting, April 10, 3:00 p.m.

We’re kick­ing off the sesqui­cen­ten­ni­al in style. After a brief meet­ing of the Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, author Joseph D. Col­lea, Jr., will speak at the His­tor­i­cal House in Danville. Col­lea wrote the book The First Ver­mont Cav­al­ry in the Civ­il War, in which two of his fam­i­ly fought; this was also the group that Danville’s Lt. Col. Addi­son Pre­ston fought with and about whom Col­lea will share information.

After the pre­sen­ta­tion, audi­ence mem­bers will enjoy cof­fee, tea, fin­ger food and good con­ver­sa­tion among friends and with our guest. There will be a Civ­il War exhib­it of local arti­facts belong­ing to the His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety as well. Come join us. It is free and open to the pub­lic. We expect the event to be about an hour in length.
