Christmas in April–Unwrapping a glass negative

Some­times it can feel like Christ­mas in April! Today Kevin Ayer came into His­tor­i­cal House bring­ing a box of glass neg­a­tives and the three of us–Mark, Kevin and I–had a charm­ing time unwrap­ping images on the scan­ner and com­put­er. I sim­ply love this one–the detail of the men, boys and dogs gath­ered on the road grad­er in Danville in 1905. Per­fect. Clarence Hatch, Kev­in’s great grand­fa­ther, is sit­ting in the back row, fourth from the left. Does any­one out there rec­og­nize any­one else?

Danville road crew in 1905. Harold Hatch, Kevin Ayer’s grand­fa­ther, took the image. took the pho­to on a glass plate. Kev­in’s great grand­fa­ther is seat­ed on the back row, fourth from the left.

