Boy Scouts add muscle power to put new trail at Greenbank’s Hollow

Troop 888, and their scout mas­ters, helped build the new trail at Green­bank’s Hol­low on July 10. Here the group loads wood­chips wheel­bar­rows to be tak­en down the new path.

Boy Scouts and their lead­ers helped project lead­ers David Hous­ton and Hol­lis Pri­or to com­plete anoth­er long term project at the Greenbank’s Hol­low His­toric Park. The work was hard, but all the plan­ning and mate­r­i­al were ready and the mus­cle pow­er present to build a trail. In some places the trail is quite steep, and a series of steps had to be built. There is also a wet area on the path that required planking.

All is ready and hik­ers are wel­come. Hol­lis rec­om­mends that those who would rather go

The trail is steep in some areas and need­ed stairs built.

down­hill than up, should choose to begin the new trail at the kiosk. Oth­er­wise, a hik­er can start near the riv­er and go upwards. Be pre­pared, how­ev­er, for the steep­ness. Signs are locat­ed at both ends of the trail to help hik­ers locate the trailhead.
