Lamp­light ser­vice at the Old North Church after restora­tion in the 1950’s-60’s

Dur­ing 1957 the Old North Church became active once more as sum­mer evening lamp­light ser­vices com­menced and have con­tin­ued once a month. They fea­ture a hymn sing, as min­is­ters and choirs rep­re­sent­ing sev­er­al area denom­i­na­tions take turns each month. The ser­vices, held only dur­ing ‘warm’ months, proved pop­u­lar, espe­cial­ly those held dur­ing fall foliage when some six­ty voic­es sang from the gallery and over three hun­dred peo­ple crowd­ed the pews. Wor­shipers came from many sur­round­ing towns and up to eigh­teen or more states have been rep­re­sent­ed. The church is also the scene of many weddings.

Click here for a Sam­ple Order of Worship

Join us for wor­ship at the his­toric Old North Church Lamp­light Services
Sun­day Evening Ser­vices at 7:00pm

May 28 – Diane Ray­mond & Pam Smith with Sal­ly Fish­burn play­ing TAPS

June 25 – Sal­ly Fish­burn on the his­to­ry of the build­ing with music by The Cata­mount Reeds

July 30 – Rick Swan­son & Old Home Day with refresh­ments served at 6:30 PM

August 27 — Don Sherwood

Sep­tem­ber 24 — Christo­pher Raymond

All are wel­come! Bring a flash­light and dress for the weather.

Learn more about the Old North Church History