Improvement plans for the Greenbank’s Hollow Historic Town Park

Hollis under tall hazard tree
Hol­lis Pri­or stands beneath one of the haz­ard trees that needs to be removed in Green­bank’s Hollow. 

By David Hous­ton and Hol­lis Prior

Many have vis­it­ed and admired the beau­ti­ful his­toric site near the cov­ered bridge in Greenbank’s Hol­low. The parcels that com­prise the park were gath­ered over the years by his­to­ri­an David War­den, who, in 2004, gave the prop­er­ty to the Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. The Soci­ety, in turn, deed­ed the land to the Town of Danville, with the pro­vi­sion that the Soci­ety con­tin­ue to devel­op and main­tain the site for use by town res­i­dents and oth­ers. Last year, an adjoin­ing four-acre par­cel was donat­ed to the Town by Cecil Lyon. This addi­tion to the Park great­ly enhances its nat­ur­al attrib­ut­es and com­ple­ments its his­tor­i­cal edu­ca­tion­al values.

Foun­da­tions have been cleared, open fields have been reclaimed, his­toric sites have been marked, a con­nect­ing trail has been devel­oped, flow­er­ing shrubs and plants have been plant­ed, and pic­nic bench­es and tables installed. Mow­ing, trim­ming, and brush dis­pos­al has been done on a rou­tine basis.

All of this has been accom­plished at no cost to Danville tax­pay­ers. Even the sur­vey of the Lyon’s gift and the deeds trans­fer­ring the land were pro­vid­ed at no cost by won­der­ful peo­ple. How­ev­er, there are now needs that can­not be ful­filled by volunteers—needs that will cost mon­ey. The total esti­mat­ed costs, bro­ken down into each area of need, can be found on the project map link below. Esti­mates reflect what we believe are above and beyond what can be expect­ed by vol­un­teers. We grate­ful­ly acknowl­edge the Danville Cham­ber of Com­merce for start­ing the project off with a $1,000 donation.

PDF map of projects slat­ed for sum­mer 2011

For a link to pho­tos of the safe­ty issues at Green­bank’s click here.