Annual Community Fundraising Drive
Greenbank’s Hollow Update
Eldad Alexander, A Martyr to His Profession Mysterious Pandemic Wipes Out a Danville Family
AMERICAN PICKERS To Film In Vermont this Fall

By Winona (Peck) Gadapee
Foster Page was a family close friend, a relative (my father Reggie Peck’s cousin), helper and enemy of none.
Foster was in my mother’s class at Danville’s Philips Academy, probably the class of 1931. He and my Dad shared equipment, much of it Foster’s, and they hayed and spread manure for each other.
My early memories of Foster were when I was perhaps eight or nine, my brother five years younger. Foster would come to our house, sit in the kitchen chair near the door to sort of visit… Foster wasn’t much of a talker. What he really wanted was to play with us kids until we were so wound my Mother would always end up sitting us in chairs for “Time Out”. Thinking back, I can imagine she was feeling stressed before we got loud, because she always had so much to do and she was “caught” in the kitchen.