David Book presentation was riveting

The Soci­ety host­ed David Book on Sun­day, April 26. It was well-attend­ed and worth­while. The Ver­mont Human­i­ties Speak­er’s Bureau has a good one here; if you ever have a chance to hear his por­tray­al of Abel Mor­rill, a farmer in Cabot, it is worth the time. Liz Sar­gent took pho­tos and we’ll share some of them here.

Photos of Abel Morrill's (David Book) two sons, who were both killed in Civil War in 1864.
Pho­tos of Abel Mor­ril­l’s (David Book) two sons, who were both killed in Civ­il War in 1864.
Abel Morrill (David Book) reading the last words from his son's Bible.
Abel Mor­rill (David Book) read­ing the last words from his son’s Bible.