Elders share stories with Danville School

Cather­ine Beat­tie, Meg Pow­den (co-prin­ci­pal), Alice Hafn­er, Paul Chouinard, Lor­na Quim­by, Car­o­line DeMaio (librar­i­an) and Lois White.

A pan­el con­sist­ing of Cather­ine Beat­tie, Alice Hafn­er, Lor­na Quim­by and Lois White joined Paul Chouinard, Pres­i­dent of the Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, in shar­ing per­son­al sto­ries after the movie Life in Cale­do­nia Coun­ty was shown to the high school. Life in Ver­mont has changed a great deal in their lifetime.

The activ­i­ty was part of Danville School’s Lit­er­a­cy Week, led by librar­i­an, Car­o­line DeMaio. In the morn­ing, the mid­dle school watched the movie; they were a delight­ful audi­ence. The after­noon show­ing was graced by the panel.

Life in Cale­do­nia is a 43-minute doc­u­men­tary that is part of project of Sen­a­tor William Doyle’s of John­son State. He and his his­to­ry class plans to cov­er all the coun­ties in Ver­mont. The pan­el’s knowl­edge and humor and added much life to the movie. The his­tor­i­cal soci­ety is plan­ning anoth­er show­ing this summer.
