George Cahoon’s Photo Exhibit Well-Attended

A recep­tion was held at the Danville His­tor­i­cal House on Jan­u­ary 17, 2010, in hon­or of the life work of George Cahoon. The show was attend­ed and George enjoyed shar­ing some of the many pho­tos he has tak­en over five decades. Great food and great con­ver­sa­tion ruled the day. The show was up until Feb­ru­ary 14, so that those who could­n’t attend the recep­tion could come at a more con­ve­nient time. 

A pho­to album con­tain­ing small­er prints of the same pho­tos is avail­able to view at the Danville His­tor­i­cal House dur­ing open hours, any Tues­day or Thurs­day from 12:00 to 7:00.

To see pho­tos of the event, tak­en by Kim Pri­or, click here.