Greenbank’s Hollow Update

By the Green­bank’s Hol­low Team

Greenbank’s Hol­low His­tor­i­cal Park

Pre­cau­tions trig­gered by Covid-19 marked­ly cur­tailed our planned sum­mer events at The Hol­low. Thus, in the inter­ests of pub­lic safe­ty, we can­celed our annu­al “Ken­ducky” Ducky Race (orig­i­nal­ly sched­uled for Aug. 16), and our Bean-Hole Din­ner (planned for Sept. 13). Can­cel­la­tion was a dif­fi­cult deci­sion as these two events gen­er­ate the funds we need to main­tain and improve this his­toric site. But, it became clear that it would be too hard for our “crews” to social­ly dis­tance in prepar­ing for these activ­i­ties and for the pub­lic to do so in par­tic­i­pat­ing in them.

Yet, in spite of this, our GBH team of vol­un­teers has been able to clear trails and foun­da­tions of encroach­ing branch­es and weeds, brush out some great riv­er views, lay down wire on some slip­pery board­walks, install a tri­al step “sys­tem”, and retouch the trail and site signs. And, of great impor­tance, and very much appre­ci­at­ed, the Town of Danville con­tract­ed for the felling of a large and very haz­ardous pine tree which was then cleared away by the Town Road Crew.

Inter­est­ing­ly, Covid-19 has result­ed in increased visitation—not indi­cat­ed as much by the sign-in log book (folks are being cau­tious) as by the num­bers of our park brochures that are rapid­ly dis­ap­pear­ing. Replac­ing these is costly.

As a result of these can­celled fundrais­ing events your gen­er­ous dona­tions would be wel­comed and great­ly appre­ci­at­ed. Dona­tions may be mailed to the Danville His­tor­i­cal Society’s office at 121 Hill Street, Danville, Vt., 05828. Please note on the memo line that the dona­tion is for “Greenbank’s Hol­low Fund”. Your kind dona­tion will help defray the cost of replac­ing the edu­ca­tion­al brochure as well as the ongo­ing main­te­nance of the his­tor­i­cal site and nature trails.

Please vis­it the his­tor­i­cal Greenbank’s site and nature trails and uti­lize them for the many remote learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties they offer.
