Identifying old house photos through Facebook

It takes a com­mu­ni­ty to iden­ti­fy a house! This pho­to of a house, pho­tographed by Harold Hatch, ca late 1800s ear­ly 1900s, was iden­ti­fied and dis­cussed via Face­book. We have many of these uniden­ti­fied house pho­tographs at the Choate-Sias. We will run them by Face­book for fur­ther help. “Like” our page on Face­book and join in the fun. 

House identified on the junction of Rt. 2 and Cormier Road, now owned by the Rose family.
House iden­ti­fied on the junc­tion of Rt. 2 and Cormi­er Road, now owned by the Rose family.