June 1863–Democratic Party Leader Brought Before Military Court

By Gary Far­row, Danville His­tor­i­cal Society

A cartoon printed in England in 1864, showing Lincoln as the Federal Phoenix rising from the flames of American Democracy.
A car­toon print­ed in Eng­land in 1864, show­ing Lin­coln as the Fed­er­al Phoenix ris­ing from the flames of Amer­i­can Democracy.

Ten­sions between nation­al secu­ri­ty and civ­il lib­er­ties are not an unfa­mil­iar top­ic to mod­ern day read­ers. So what led to a for­mer US Con­gress­man from Ohio and poten­tial can­di­date for gov­er­nor to be roust­ed out of his house at 2:30 AM on May 5, 1863 and arrest­ed by the fed­er­al troops?

Although Clement Val­landigham had lost his reelec­tion bid for the House the pri­or year, he was still a lead­ing light for the “Cop­per­heads,” the anti-war wing of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty. He had run afoul of Gen. Ambrose Burnside’s mid-April “Gen­er­al Order Num­ber 38,” which stat­ed that the “habit of declar­ing sym­pa­thies for the ene­my would not be tol­er­at­ed in the Mil­i­tary Dis­trict of Ohio.” Offend­ers would be sub­ject to execution.

Burnside’s order was a man­i­fes­ta­tion of Pres­i­dent Lincoln’s procla­ma­tion ear­li­er in the fall sus­pend­ing the writ of habeas cor­pus (the right to a speedy tri­al) for peo­ple who made state­ments mil­i­tat­ing against enlist­ments, drafts or engaged in any oth­er dis­loy­al prac­tice such as encour­ag­ing deser­tion. Those accused would be sub­ject to mar­tial law and tried by mil­i­tary com­mis­sions. The Supreme Court had ruled that only Con­gress had the pow­er to sus­pend the writ of habeas cor­pus, but Lin­coln ignored the judi­cial branch and assert­ed the claim of “war pow­ers,” a con­cept for­eign to the Constitution.

Clement Vallandigham
Clement Val­landigham

In response, Val­landigham, who was a pro­po­nent of states’ rights, felt they had the right to secede. He believed that mil­i­tary con­quest of the South was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al and gave a speech on May 1 where he called the war “wicked, cru­el, and unnec­es­sary,” one waged “for the free­dom of the blacks and the enslave­ment of whites.” He called Gen­er­al Order Num­ber 38 “a base usurpa­tion of arbi­trary author­i­ty” and urged his audi­ence to resist. The for­mer Con­gress­man also assert­ed “that the Gov­ern­ment of the Unit­ed States was about to appoint mil­i­tary mar­shals in every dis­trict, to restrain the peo­ple of their lib­er­ties, to deprive them of their rights and privileges.”

In addi­tion to the fact that the young democ­ra­cy was strug­gling over its Con­sti­tu­tion and a state’s right to secede, what was going on here? The Union army was run­ning out of men at approx­i­mate­ly the same time that Lin­coln had made the cal­cu­la­tion that only total war­fare would bring an end to the conflict.

In March of 1863, Con­gress approved the Enroll­ment Act which declared that all fit male cit­i­zens and aliens between the ages of twen­ty and forty-five were liable for mil­i­tary ser­vice upon the request of the Pres­i­dent. The Act stirred the pot and turned up the heat in a nation whose mil­i­tary adven­tures had always been manned by vol­un­teers. In addi­tion to impos­ing the first draft in Amer­i­can his­to­ry, the Enroll­ment Act cre­at­ed a new all-pow­er­ful exec­u­tive agency called the Provost Mar­shal Gen­er­al Bureau, which by law extend­ed into every North­ern con­gres­sion­al dis­trict to enforce and admin­is­ter the draft.

This cartoon deals with Habeas Corpus defined by the author of the blog Reflections of a Law Student as: “essentially a summons, requiring the prisoner to be taken before court to see whether the person’s detainment is legal. If the custodian does not have evidence or authority to detain the prisoner, an immediate release is ordered.” It is an old law, borrowed into our legal system, but in the case of Vallandigham and present-day terrorists, suspended supposedly for the good of the American public.
This car­toon deals with Habeas Cor­pus defined by the author of the blog Reflec­tions of a Law Stu­dent as: “essen­tial­ly a sum­mons, requir­ing the pris­on­er to be tak­en before court to see whether the person’s detain­ment is legal. If the cus­to­di­an does not have evi­dence or author­i­ty to detain the pris­on­er, an imme­di­ate release is ordered.” It is an old law, bor­rowed into our legal sys­tem, but in the case of Val­landigham and present-day ter­ror­ists, sus­pend­ed sup­pos­ed­ly for the good of the Amer­i­can public.

The Bureau was the nation’s first domes­tic intel­li­gence agency. Its ten­ta­cles reached not only into cities but into the rur­al coun­try­side where agents and spies kept tabs on any­one who might inter­fere with its mis­sion of imple­ment­ing a suc­cess­ful draft. In Bor­der States, which were geo­graph­i­cal­ly part of the South but had remained in the Union, Lin­coln also had cit­i­zens brought before mil­i­tary tri­bunals for fear that jurors in a civ­il court would nul­li­fy pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al ver­dicts because of south­ern sympathies.

Peo­ple through­out the North felt the thumb of the Gov­ern­ment in a way that they nev­er had before. Vallandigham’s talk of “mil­i­tary dis­tricts” and the depri­va­tion of civ­il lib­er­ties had some resonance.

Days after Val­landigham was tak­en away in the mid­dle of the night, he was tried before a mil­i­tary com­mis­sion, found guilty and sen­tenced to prison at Fort War­ren for the dura­tion for the war. How­ev­er, these events put Lin­coln in a polit­i­cal bind. He saw Val­landigham as a legit­i­mate threat to nation­al secu­ri­ty, but he also risked giv­ing the accu­sa­tion of exec­u­tive over­reach cred­i­bil­i­ty. Lin­coln found a mid­dle way. Rather than send­ing him to prison, which would have been a form of mar­tyr­dom, Lin­coln exiled the for­mer con­gress­man to the South and out of his hair.

June 6, 1863 North Star–Vallandigham

The order to send Val­landigham South has been car­ried out. He arrived at Murfrees­boro, Tenn, on Sun­day after his sen­tence; and after some hours’ con­ver­sa­tion with Gen. Rose­craus and oth­ers, he was put into an open wag­on and was con­duct­ed by an escort of cav­al­ry, to the out­posts of the Union army, and deliv­ered into the hands of the ene­my accord­ing to Mr Lincoln’s fiat. The rebel pick­ets at first refused to receive him, but final­ly the Colonel com­mand­ing con­sent­ed to his recep­tion, when Val­landigham thus addressed the guards – at the same time ask­ing their Fed­er­al offi­cers who had him in charge to pay atten­tion to his words.

I am a cit­i­zen … of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, sent with­in your lines against my will, and hope you will receive me as your prisoner.”

The rebel com­man­der then promised that he would send him to Shel­byville, Tenn at his ear­li­est con­ve­nience – which promise has been kept, as Rich­mond papers of the 28th announce that Mr. Val­landigham has arrived at Shel­byville. This dis­po­si­tion of Mr. V. is some­what lighter than the orig­i­nal sen­tence – incar­cer­a­tion in Fort War­ren; but the arbi­trary prin­ci­ple is the same; and the prece­dent thus estab­lished, will yet come back to plague its inventors.

After the war, Val­landigham resumed his polit­i­cal and legal career in Ohio, only to die at age 50 while rep­re­sent­ing a man accused of mur­der. He was attempt­ing to demon­strate to his legal team how the vic­tim had shot him­self. The lawyer rose from a kneel­ing posi­tion, took the pis­tol out of his pock­et, and con­tin­ued to demon­strate how the tragedy might have occurred, which cul­mi­nat­ed with him pulling the trig­ger. The gun was loaded.

In 1866, the Supreme Court ruled that sub­ject­ing cit­i­zens to a mil­i­tary tri­al in juris­dic­tions where civil­ian courts were func­tion­al was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. This issue still rever­ber­ates today.