Sep 1862–Lincoln’s Cockamamie Idea; Rebels at the Doorstep; the Constitution Takes a Beating

By Gary Far­row, Danville VT His­tor­i­cal Society

slaveThe times were very bleak indeed for the North: the Pres­i­dent was flop­ping around on the race ques­tion; a shock­ing­ly swift mil­i­tary rever­sal had just occurred in the east; and the Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment was fight­ing with the judi­cia­ry here in Ver­mont. Mean­while, the Ninth Ver­mont suf­fered a rever­sal of fortune.

North Star–September 6, 1862

The President’s Colonization Scheme

Sen­a­tor S. C. Pomeroy of Kansas by request of the Pres­i­dent con­sent­ed to orga­nize emi­gra­tion par­ties of free col­ored per­sons for set­tle­ment in South Amer­i­ca and has been com­mis­sioned accord­ing­ly. This gentleman’s suc­cess in orga­niz­ing “Emi­grant Aid Expe­di­tions” from Mass­a­chu­setts for the pur­pose of get­ting con­trol of Kansas for the Free Soil­ers is looked upon as an encour­age­ment for the present scheme. The Gov­ern­ment pro­pos­es to send the emi­grants in good steamships and pro­vide them with all the nec­es­sary imple­ments of labor and also sus­te­nance until they gath­er a harvest.

Sen­a­tor Pomeroy’s address pro­pos­es to take with him on the first day of Octo­ber next, 100 col­ored men, as pio­neers in the move­ment with their fam­i­lies to Chirigui in New Grana­da [Nicaragua], if the place on exam­i­na­tion is found sat­is­fac­to­ry and promis­ing. He desires all per­sons of the African race, of sound health, who desire to go, to send him at Wash­ing­ton their names, sex, age, num­bers and post office address… He wants mechan­ics and labor­ers, earnest and sober men, for the inter­ests of a gen­er­a­tion, if may be, are involved in the suc­cess of this exper­i­ment, and with the appro­ba­tion of the Amer­i­can peo­ple and under the bless­ing of God it can­not fail.


Abo­li­tion­ists were mor­ti­fied by the Cen­tral Amer­i­can project. Fred­er­ick Dou­glass raged that Lin­coln, based on his state­ments that blacks should be giv­en an equal chance at “the race of life,” was con­temp­tu­ous of blacks and hyp­o­crit­i­cal. Many Repub­li­cans opposed col­o­niza­tion, call­ing it racist and inhu­mane. How­ev­er, con­ser­v­a­tives lam­bast­ed the Repub­li­cans “for ignor­ing the immutabil­i­ty of racial dif­fer­ences.” One con­ser­v­a­tive stat­ed that abo­li­tion­ists “may prat­tle as they wish about the end of slav­ery being the end of strife,” but “the great dif­fi­cul­ty will then begin.” Ulti­mate­ly, the Con­gress appro­pri­at­ed $600,000 for the effort. As one Repub­li­can said, “Col­o­niza­tion is a damn hum­bug. But it will take with the people.”

Sen­a­tor Pomeroy did suc­cess­ful­ly recruit hun­dreds of emi­grants; how­ev­er, this col­o­niza­tion project fell apart with oppo­si­tion of host coun­tries Nicaragua and Honduras.

 North Star–September 6, 1862

 Gen Pope’s Retreat

General John Pope
Gen­er­al John Pope

When Gen. Pope assumed com­mand of the Army of Vir­ginia, he issued a bom­bas­tic address to his sol­diers, one of which is as follows:

In the mean­time I desire you to dis­miss cer­tain phras­es I am sor­ry to find much in vogue among you. I hear con­stant­ly of tak­ing strong posi­tions and hold­ing them — of lines of retreat and bases of sup­plies. Let us dis­card such ideas. The strongest posi­tion a sol­dier should desire to occu­py is one from which he can most eas­i­ly advance against the ene­my.… Suc­cess and glo­ry are in the advance — dis­or­der and shame lurk in the rear.”

The Gen­er­al who under­takes to con­duct a cam­paign against such offi­cers as lead the rebel armies with­out care for strong posi­tions, lines of retreat and bases of sup­plies there by shows him­self unfit for com­mand. For­tu­nate­ly for Gen. Pope and his brave sol­diers and for that great cause in which they are engaged, he did not act so sense­less­ly as he wrote; … — he cer­tain­ly made good use of those “lines of retreat”… [N.H. Patriot]


Pope’s retreat marked the Union’s sec­ond defeat at Man­as­sas. Gen­er­al Lee had com­plete­ly turned the tables on the North. Less than a month had passed since McClellan’s Army of the Potomac was twen­ty miles from Rich­mond. But with an army one-half the size of the com­bined forces of Pope and McClel­lan, Lee had orches­trat­ed events to where rebel troops were now with­in twen­ty miles of Wash­ing­ton, DC.

As beat­en Union troops came stream­ing back to Wash­ing­ton, Sec­re­tary of War Stan­ton called out for vol­un­teers to go to the front and help with the wound­ed. Gov­ern­ment employ­ees and oth­ers respond­ed, but a sec­ond deba­cle would fol­low the first. Not only was Pope sound­ly beat­en, but some of the vol­un­teers arrived at the front drunk, where­upon they bribed ambu­lance dri­vers with whiskey to take them back to Wash­ing­ton instead of to the wounded.

The paper also reports on a con­flict between the Ver­mont courts and Fed­er­al author­i­ties over a person’s con­sti­tu­tion­al right to a speedy trial.

North Star–September 13, 1862

Judge Smalley on Habeas Corpus

We learn from Burling­ton (VT.) Times that an impor­tant deci­sion has just been made by Judge Smal­l­ey, on the writ of habeas cor­pus. The ques­tion arose on a writ issued in the case of Dea­con Anson Field of Jeri­cho, recent­ly arrest­ed by Mar­shal Bald­win for utter­ing trea­son­able lan­guage, and dis­cour­ag­ing enlist­ments. The writ com­mand­ed the Mar­shal to pro­duce in Court the said Field. Between the issue of the writ and the day of the return, the Mar­shal received the fol­low­ing telegram from the War Department.

Wash­ing­ton, Aug 30, 1862

To C. C. P. Bald­win, U.S. Marshal:

Pay no atten­tion to the habeas cor­pus for the lib­er­a­tion of … Field and if any attempt be made to lib­er­ate them from cus­tody, resist it to the utmost, and report the names of all who may attempt it.

By Order of the Sec­re­tary of War

I.G. Turn­er, Judge Advocate

When the case came on for hear­ing, Lieut Gov. Under­wood on behalf of the Sher­iff and Mar­shal made a return stat­ing that the arrest of Field was under the order of Sec­re­tary Stan­ton, relat­ing to dis­cour­ag­ing enlist­ments, dat­ed Aug 8, 1862; and that under the order of the Sec­re­tary of War, sus­pend­ing the writ of habeas cor­pus in such cas­es: and also in con­sid­er­a­tion of the telegram from the War Depart­ment, Messrs [Mar­shal] Bald­win and [Sher­iff] Flana­gan with­out intend­ing any dis­re­spect for the Court declined to pro­duce the body of Field.

Hon. Gen. Edmunds and Wm. G. Shaw coun­sel for Field, argued that this return was not suf­fi­cient and that the refusal to bring him into Court was a con­tempt on the part of the Mar­shal and Sheriff.

Judge Smal­l­ey, then, after stat­ing that Sec­re­tary Stan­ton and his sub­or­di­nates had no pow­er to sus­pend the writ of habeas cor­pus, decid­ed that the return was not in accor­dance with the writ; and that he would give Mar­shal Bald­win and Sher­iff Flana­gan four hours to pro­duce Mr. Field.… Mar­shal and Bald­win declined to pro­duce the prisoner.

This case will bring direct­ly before the Court the ques­tion of the right of Gov­ern­ment to sus­pend the writ of habeas cor­pus when, in its dis­cre­tion, in the cas­es of insur­rec­tion or inva­sion, the pub­lic safe­ty requires it. Judge Taney decid­ed more than a year ago in a sim­i­lar case, that the arrest was ille­gal, but had no pow­er to enforce the writ he only issued a writ­ten protest against the act. And in this case a deci­sion of the Court sim­i­lar to Judge Taney’s would prac­ti­cal­ly amount, doubt­less, to as lit­tle as that decision.

It is, how­ev­er a very impor­tant ques­tion involv­ing as it does the lib­er­ty of the cit­i­zen. There can hard­ly be a more dan­ger­ous pow­er that per­mits a Mar­shal or Sher­iff to arrest, at the plea­sure and with­out process, a peace­able cit­i­zen whose only offence is the utter­ance of what in the Marshal’s judge­ment of a dis­loy­al sen­ti­ments, and if exer­cised at all, it should be with the utmost care against abuse.



North Star–September 27, 1862

Ninth Vermont Taken Prisoner

Civil War Poster Seeking Vermont 9th Infantry RecruitsFor the first time since the com­mence­ment of the war (says the Green Moun­tain Free­man) we are called to chron­i­cle the sur­ren­der of an entire reg­i­ment of Vt. troops — not how­ev­er, from any want of brav­ery in the men or lack of skilled offi­cers. The Vt Ninth were among the troops which sur­ren­dered at Harper’s Fer­ry last Monday.

They had been sta­tioned at Win­ches­ter under Col White… White’s com­mand evac­u­at­ed that place and pro­ceed­ed to Harper’s Fer­ry, where they arrived the next day. They left some eighty sick sol­diers belong­ing to the reg­i­ment at Win­ches­ter in charge of Sur­geon Car­pen­ter, sim­ply because they had no ambu­lances or means of trans­porta­tion to take them off. These sick men were undoubt­ed­ly tak­en pris­on­ers when the rebels occu­pied Winchester.

It does not appear whether the reg­i­ment was or was not seri­ous­ly engaged in the fight, which result­ed in the sur­ren­der of Harper’s Fer­ry… the men had all been paroled by the rebels.

We see it stat­ed that the paroled pris­on­ers of Col Miles are imme­di­ate­ly to be sent North­west, to be used in sup­press­ing the Indi­an out­break. If this be true, we pre­sume the Ver­mont Ninth will go with them to Minnesota.


A paroled pris­on­er could not fight in Civ­il War bat­tles, thus the chance they would be sent to the North­west. Accord­ing to the Revised Ros­ter of Ver­mont Vol­un­teers in the War of the Rebel­lion, the paroled men were actu­al­ly sent to Chica­go, but under pris­on­er exchange in Jan­u­ary 1863, could once again do battle.

