I always look forward to getting my hair cut once a month at Janet Carson’s Country Styles across the street from my house. We share stories and laugh, and I enjoy looking at the newest photos she’s taken since the last time I took the seat. This month, I spied on the wall a lovely photo of Evelyn McReynolds of North Danville. I remarked how pretty she looked in it.
“ At 104!” Janet exclaimed.
“No! ” I replied, marveling at the woman in the photo.
“I was wondering how we would know who the oldest person in Danville is?” Janet asked. We meandered around on that question for awhile. I thought a good place to start would be the Town Clerk’s office. But no, Janet was pretty certain that the Town Clerk might provide information, but no definitive answer.
Remembering a former colleague of mine in the Bradford Vermont Historical Society, who had spoken of identifying and honoring the oldest people in Bradford, I decided to write him an email. He wrote back, detailing the way Bradford has carried out its tradition, and we are thinking of adopting something similar in Danville. Until the board irons out the wrinkles, I won’t share the details, but we are definitely interested in finding out, and honoring in some way, Danville’s oldest man and woman.
Here is the criteria:
1) The person must have lived in Danville for 25 years
2) And must be a registered voter
Please notify us and let us know who you believe should be on our list, providing us with their birth date and years in Danville. Our phone number is 802 684 2055, or stop in on Tuesdays or Thursdays when we are open from noon to 7:00.
Evelyn’s photo taken by Janet Carson