Monday Painters Artist Reception–April 21 from 2 to 4 pm

Anne's Setup, watercolor on paper, 14 x 10 Watercolorist, Jan Houston
Anne’s Set­up, water­col­or on paper, 14 x 10
Water­col­orist, Jan Houston

As a spe­cial trib­ute to water­col­orist, Jan Hous­ton, an artists’ recep­tion will be held on Sun­day, April 21, from 2:00–4:00 at the Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, locat­ed at 121 Hill Street in Danville. Exhibit­ing with her will be Bar­bara Grey, Robin Roth­man, Sheri Pearl, Joan Har­lowe, Don­na Mar­shall, Jen­ny Green and Bar­bara Matsinger .

The group start­ed with two artists, neigh­bors Bar­bara Matsinger and Jan Hous­ton, get­ting togeth­er on Mon­day morn­ings to chat and paint. Soon it became some­thing more–a whole group of artists gath­er­ing and chat­ting and paint­ing on a Mon­day morn­ing, twice a month for 13 years!

Each artist will exhib­it three paint­ings of their choice. Come meet them and enjoy their work over light refresh­ments. The exhib­it will be in place through the month of May.

