North Danville Historical Room Open on the 4th of July

The room is open again for dis­plays. Have you any ideas about what should be displayed?

After two years hia­tus, the North Danville His­tor­i­cal Room has been reopened in the North Danville School. For the past two years, it housed the Vic­to­ri­an Room Exhib­it, a very nice dis­play that showed the dec­o­rat­ing themes of the Vic­to­ri­an era.

But it was time once again to open it to the pub­lic and the annu­al 4th of July cel­e­bra­tion afford­ed the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty. His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety mem­bers worked with the North Danville School Asso­ci­a­tion to dis­man­tle and pack away mate­r­i­al for use in future displays.

School pho­tographs care­ful­ly kept and labeled by Eleanor Beld­ing, long time teacher in

Some of Eleanor Beld­ings labeled school pho­tos. We are ask­ing for peo­ple to come for­ward with their school pho­tos to be scanned and placed in the room.

North Danville, were scanned and dis­played for the pub­lic. Sev­er­al cor­rec­tions and addi­tions were made to the labels by those who knew first­hand the chil­dren in the photos.

The Soci­ety is look­ing for (and has received five) more school pho­tos from the time when North Danville School was oper­at­ing as part of the Danville school sys­tem. We will scan pho­tos and return them to you, plac­ing the scanned copies in the room.

At this time, no reg­u­lar hours are planned for the room, but that is a pos­si­bil­i­ty if vol­un­teers should come for­ward. If you are inter­est­ed in vol­un­teer­ing in the North Danville room or have ideas for future dis­plays and times, please con­tact the Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety at 802 684 2055 dur­ing our open hours–noon to 7:00 pm, Tues­days and Thursdays.




