Our Most Distinguished Elders 2022–2023

We are remiss in pub­licly rec­og­niz­ing our 2022 Dis­tin­guished Elders for the town of Danville. Both have passed since being hon­ored as the old­est male and female res­i­dents of our town, how­ev­er, our mem­o­ry of how very spe­cial they were is cer­tain­ly worth sharing.

When first meet­ing Ernie Racenet we could only feel dis­ap­point­ment for not meet­ing him ear­li­er and spend­ing much more time con­vers­ing with him. We found he, and his wife Joyce, very con­ge­nial, and friend­ly peo­ple, and they wel­comed us into their home with­out any hes­i­ta­tion. Ernie expressed a deep love for his fam­i­ly, with Joyce being at the top of the list. He relayed many sto­ries about coach­ing and when asked if there was any sport he had not been involved in, he paused and final­ly came up with ten­nis. He felt foot­ball was his favorite. Ernie, at near­ly 96, rode in the Danville Fair Parade in Able Toll’s 1935 Ford accom­pa­nied by his wife Joyce and our eldest female, Alice Blair, then 102. On July 4th, he rode in Toby Balivet’s BMW and Alice was chauf­feured in Tim Ide’s. Our elders were award­ed the “Gold­en Cane” which both, unfor­tu­nate­ly, are now back in our possession.


Alice Blair held the hon­or of our female Dis­tin­guished Elder for quite a few years. Alice had been at home and rel­a­tive­ly involved with com­mu­ni­ty activ­i­ty up until her last few months. What a glo­ri­ous and inter­est­ing life she lived! Her occu­pa­tions, not unlike Ernie, gath­ered her a vast col­lec­tion of friends, and acquain­tances, and being a trav­el­er (vis­it­ing all but one state) she crossed paths with many peo­ple who will remem­ber her fond­ly. Both of our elders were acknowl­edged with cheers, waves, and mem­o­ries which we will cher­ish, prov­ing them to be a valu­able asset to our small community.



There exists a say­ing that we, at the His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, appre­ci­ate more and more as the years go by; “We respect our elders. There is wis­dom that comes from expe­ri­ence, and I am not going to stop learn­ing from wise counsel.”
