Reopening of Danville Historical Society Choate-Sias House

The Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Choate-Sias house will reopen to the pub­lic on Tues­day, July 13.  Cur­rent­ly, our reg­u­lar hours are Tues­days and Thurs­days from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment.

Cer­tain Covid 19 pro­to­cols will remain in place to ensure the safe­ty and health of our staff and vis­i­tors. Masks will be required inside the build­ing for those who are not ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed, and every­one must sign the vis­i­tor sheet before entering. 

We are look­ing for­ward to wel­com­ing every­one back.  We are hard at work orga­niz­ing our col­lec­tions and putting togeth­er some new and inter­est­ing exhibits for vis­i­tors to enjoy.
