Special flag flies over Danville Green cemetery

Flag that flew over the Capi­tol flies over the foun­tain at Danville Green cemetery.

An Amer­i­can Flag, flown over the Unit­ed States Capi­tol and pre­sent­ed to the Danville His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety by Sen­a­tor Patrick Leahy, flies over the Vic­to­ri­an foun­tain in Danville Green Ceme­tery hon­or­ing Danville verterans.

Of the foun­tain, Louise Lessard reports that dur­ing WWII, Shel­don Houghton gave the foun­tain to the mil­i­tary as they were in need of iron. “So, for years, there was no foun­tain in the ceme­tery. Laine Vance want­ed anoth­er foun­tain, and when he was pres­i­dent of the Ceme­tery Board, he made it his num­ber one project. He was able to find a foun­tain and con­vince the Ceme­tery Board to spend the mon­ey and replace the foun­tain.” Paul and Mar­i­on Sevi­gny were respon­si­ble for the foun­tain work­ing once again.
