Thaddeus Stevens Focus of Peacham Historical Association Annual Meeting

thaddeus 1The Peacham His­tor­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion will hold its annu­al meet­ing on Wednes­day, August 14 start­ing at 7 p.m. at the Peacham Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church. Fol­low­ing the Association’s busi­ness meet­ing, the evening pro­gram will begin at 7:30 and is enti­tled: “Thad­deus Stevens: His­to­ry ver­sus Hol­ly­wood.” The fea­tured speak­er, Bev­er­ly Wil­son Palmer, well-known edi­tor of the Thad­deus Stevens Papers, will share her exten­sive knowl­edge of Peacham Academy’s famous alumnus.

Thanks to Tom­my Lee Jones’s bril­liant por­tray­al in the pop­u­lar movie Lin­coln, many Ver­mon­ters have only recent­ly become aware of the promi­nence of their native son, Thad­deus Stevens. Born in Danville in 1792, he moved to Peacham around 1807 where he attend­ed Peacham Acad­e­my and where he start­ed his law stud­ies. Although Stevens left Peacham when he was 23, his pas­sion for equal jus­tice was formed dur­ing his ear­ly years in Danville and Peacham. These qual­i­ties appear in Lin­coln along with Stevens’ ora­tor­i­cal skills and his iras­ci­ble per­son­al­i­ty. How­ev­er, Hol­ly­wood has tak­en lib­er­ties with some aspects of this statesman’s’ life and his role in the pas­sage of the Thir­teenth Amend­ment abol­ish­ing slav­ery. Her talk will focus on these discrepancies.

The pro­gram is open to the pub­lic and admis­sion is FREE! The evening will end with dessert and con­ver­sa­tion down­stairs in the church.