Foster Page driving one of his famous doodlebugs with his pals, Billy Budd and Jack. Photo taken by Yankee Magazine
Fos­ter Page, dri­ving one of his famous doo­dle­bugs with his pals, Bil­ly Budd and Jack. Pho­to tak­en by Yan­kee Mag­a­zine in 1984.

By Winona (Peck) Gadapee

Fos­ter Page was a fam­i­ly close friend, a rel­a­tive (my father Reg­gie Peck­’s cousin), helper and ene­my of none.

Fos­ter was in my moth­er’s class at Danville’s Philips Acad­e­my, prob­a­bly the class of 1931. He and my Dad shared equip­ment, much of it Fos­ter’s, and they hayed and spread manure for each other.

My ear­ly mem­o­ries of Fos­ter were when I was per­haps eight or nine, my broth­er five years younger. Fos­ter would come to our house, sit in the kitchen chair near the door to sort of vis­it… Fos­ter was­n’t much of a talk­er. What he real­ly want­ed was to play with us kids until we were so wound my Moth­er would always end up sit­ting us in chairs for “Time Out”. Think­ing back, I can imag­ine she was feel­ing stressed before we got loud, because she always had so much to do and she was “caught” in the kitchen.

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Nature trail guide—Greenbank’s Hollow Historic Park

By Dave Houston

A field-use trail guide for the Greenbank’s Hol­low Nature Trail is avail­able at the His­tor­i­cal Park. How­ev­er, the fol­low­ing descrip­tion con­tains added detail and pho­tos (click on pho­tos and fig­ures to enlarge). Even so, this is a work in progress as more infor­ma­tion will be includ­ed as it becomes available.

Exam­ples of things to come:

  • Lists, descrip­tions and pho­tos where appro­pri­ate, of plants and ani­mals found here along the trail or sur­round­ing area, includ­ing birds, mam­mals, amphib­ians and  rep­tiles, and insects, as well as oth­er bio­ta such as fun­gi and archaea.
  • Detailed descrip­tions and loca­tion (map) of the soils present here, includ­ing their suit­abil­i­ty for sup­port­ing plants, etc.
  • Infor­ma­tion relat­ed to Joe’s Brook includ­ing sea­son­al flow data, water chem­istry, suit­abil­i­ty for fish habi­tat, and his­tor­i­cal use of water power.
  • Addi­tion­al geo­log­i­cal details con­cern­ing the ori­gin, for­ma­tion and char­ac­ter­is­tics of the bedrock beneath the Park.
  • The influ­ence of the bedrock and the last glacia­tion on the shape of our land­scape and the soils that blan­ket it.


Joe's Brook as it comes tumbling down just below the bridge.
Joe’s Brook as it comes tum­bling down just below the bridge.

