You’re invited to a mini-bioblitz

This Saturday, June 11—and the weather looks promising!

Leader: Dave Houston

Dave Houston speaking to a group at Greenbank's Hollow.
Dave Hous­ton speak­ing to a group at Green­bank’s Hollow.

On Sat­ur­day, June 11, 2016, all inter­est­ed nat­u­ral­ists are invit­ed to the His­toric Park to gath­er by the cov­ered bridge in Green­bank’s Hol­low and then ven­ture out into near­by forests, fields, wet­lands, ponds and streams to dis­cov­er and doc­u­ment the plants, birds, mam­mals, insects, spi­ders, herbs, and oth­er life forms that exist in these ecosites.

About 16 folks have indi­cat­ed that they plan to be there—that’s great, but of course, more would be wel­come. If you know of any­one with spe­cial inter­ests in fun­gi, moss­es, liv­er­worts, bryophytes, or lichens give them a call and invite them along. We have some good botanists com­ing, and some experts in but­ter­flies and drag­on­flies, but oth­er plant and insect lovers would be wel­come also, as there are lots of inter­est­ing sites to check out. You gen­er­al­ists may have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to team up with some­one if you wish.

mini bio blitz greenbank's hollow june 11 29016
A map of the four quad­rants that will be part of the bioblitz. The cen­ter is the cov­ered bridge.

I’ve worked up some maps out­lin­ing the geo­graph­ic area of inter­est and some data sheets to help record your finds. If you can bring pen­cils, clip­boards (I have a few), bug­dope, raingear, lunch and water that would be good. Pho­tos can often be very help­ful in iden­ti­fy­ing or doc­u­ment­ing what you find out there.


WHERE: Gath­er on the south side of Joes Brook near the cov­ered bridge. Park­ing is along Brook Road, in the few des­ig­nat­ed park­ing spaces, and on the grassy area. Look for the small pop-up tent there with table for check in, and to pick up maps, data sheets, direc­tions, etc.

WHEN: I will be there by 7:30 am. You can come when­ev­er you can get there. Some of you may want to spend all day, some of you might not be able to—and that’s OK, for what­ev­er you dis­cov­er and doc­u­ment will add to our database.

DURING: I sug­gest that those not too far away, or not too engrossed in what that are find­ing, check back in at noon for a lunch break, dis­cus­sion of the morn­ing’s ven­ture, and per­haps select a dif­fer­ent venue for the afternoon.

AFTER: As I men­tioned in my ear­li­er memo, for those of you still around at the end of the day, there will be a wrap-up at my house (with­in the zone of inter­est!). Tim­ing will depend on how things work out, but in any case, there will be beer, wine, snacks, etc., and the grill can go on for those who wish to bring some­thing more substantial.

If you have any ques­tions, sug­ges­tions, etc. please let me know. I hope to see you all for a fun day at the


Direc­tions: From the Danville Green, take the Peacham road south to Har­vey’s Hol­low (2 miles), turn left onto Brook Rd and go to its end—by the cov­ered bridge,

-or- from the Green, take Brain­erd Street south, and where it swings left, go straight onto Green­bank’s Hol­low Rd- con­tin­ue to the Hol­low and the bridge.
