Annual Celebratory Burn at Greenbank’s

Dave Houston and Hollis Prior are good company at the annual picnic.
Dave Hous­ton and Hol­lis Pri­or are good com­pa­ny at the annu­al picnic.

Come join Hol­lis Pri­or and Dave Hous­ton on Sun­day, Jan­u­ary 12 at 1:00, to help cel­e­brate and hon­or the work that has been done at the his­toric park in Green­bank’s Hollow.

There will be the tra­di­tion­al bon­fire, burn­ing brush that has been gath­ered through­out the year (not to men­tion the extra­or­di­nary hot dogs, baked beans, mulled cider and s’mores–all free!) Hope to see you there.

Host­ed by the Green­bank’s Hol­low his­toric park com­mit­tee and the Danville VT His­tor­i­cal Society.
